TaijiFit Foundations

Principles of Mindfulness

Want more time, gratitude, health and happiness? Mindfulness is the key.

In Principles of Mindfulness, tap into your inner peace and tranquility. This 4-week class will cover:


You already have what you need, it's a matter of defining the memory of the authentic consciousness. Good news! It's not as complicated as it sounds.


The secret here is personal development (small steps count!) and following your bliss. How? By living mindfully.


Flow states and mindfulness are closely connected. Learn about the 4 states of flow and some always-reliable flow release triggers.


Mindfulness affects time and presence. Being in the moment will allow you to gain freedom from the clock, slow your pace, and so much more.

Plus live activities to practice together:

  • Baseline stress survey (to show improvement)
  • MSBR (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction)
  • Guided visualizations,
  • Prompted journaling
  • PMR (Progressive Muscle Relaxation)
  • ...and you know we'll have group Flow sessions!

Continue your momentum by creating a personal practice. The final class covers:

  • All of the key concepts
  • How to develop a personal workbook
  • Establishing a daily mindfulness routine
  • Resources for continued learning
  • ...and more!

Our 2024 Schedule

This course is 8 sessions over 4 weeks and will be hosted on the following days:

March 2024

Tuesdays + Thursdays

10:30 - 11:30 am PT / 1:30 - 2:30 pm ET

Tuesday, March 5
Thursday, March 7
Tuesday, March 12
Thursday, March 14
Tuesday, March 19
Thursday, March 21
Tuesday, March 26
Thursday, March 28

Register for March 2024

Principles of Mindfulness

Meet your Principles of Mindfulness instructor!

David-Dorian Ross

David-Dorian Ross

TaijiFit Master Teacher

David-Dorian Ross (DDR) trained in China with martial arts Masters and championship coaches. He’s won 7 US Gold Medals and three world medals, the highest awards ever given to an American for international tai chi performance.

DDR’s career as a teacher spans more than 40 years. He is a professor for the Great Courses, and the #1 best selling and multiple award-winning author of more than 150 video instructional and television programs. He’s been a constant advocate that Tai Chi and all its benefits should be accessible to anyone, and a joyful experience for everyone.

What is TaijiFit Foundations?

TaijiFit Foundation is a series of 3 introductory courses. It includes:

- Tai Chi Essentials
- Fundamentals of Flow
- Principles of Mindfulness

You can take one or all of the courses before entering the Learning Path, or if you just want to revisit any of the topics you've previously learned...but in more depth than the 101 course.

Is this different than Original Flow?

Yes. Original Flow is an overall class that covers a little bit of everything. TaijiFit Foundations is broken down into three courses:

- Fundamentals of Flow
- Principles of Mindfulness
- Tai Chi Essentials

After listening to feedback from the cohorts from the past year, this will better help people prepare for the TaijiFit Academy Learning Path...or learn (or revisit!) the piece of TaijiFit that they want to focus on.

How much does it cost?

$75 USD

Don't forget to use your Membership Tier discount if you have a membership! If you don't have one, check out the options here.

How do I know if I can take this course?

That's easy. You can!

It doesn't matter if you've done zero Tai Chi or if you're a Master.

It doesn't matter if you've been through the entire Academy or this is your first step toward becoming an Instructor.

It doesn't matter if you have mobility restrictions (as always, check with your healing team before signing up), because you can do the moves seated or sit them out altogether.

If you require special accommodations, please reach out to our team at [email protected] with details about how we can help.

When will the other TaijiFit Fundamentals classes be offered?

The plan is to run one TaijiFit Fundamental course per month. So, the courses will cycle every three months. Be sure you're receiving our emails (sign up here), that way you don't miss out when it's offered again.

What equipment will I need for this course?

You'll need a computer that has a camera, or a tablet (like an iPad) that has a camera. You'll also need a microphone. Most devices like laptops and tablets have these built in.

You will also need headphones if you aren't able to participate in a quiet environment. These don't have to be fancy, but should be wireless so that you can practice the TaijiFit method while following along with your instructor.

Will it be recorded if I can't come to a session?

Yes. We understand your lives are busy and you may have to miss a session or two, or maybe you just want to rewatch to practice what you learned. You will receive access to the replays after the first class.

Can I use my membership discount?

Absolutely! As a reminder, here are the discounts per tier:

TaijiFit Unlimited: 100% off
Evolved: 100% off (if you choose this as your free course)

Want a membership but don't have one? Check out our memberships here.


Do you offer military discounts?

If you are a Veteran or are active military, please reach out to us at [email protected] for more information.

Can I get a refund if I don't like it or can't show up?

We are not offering refunds for this class at this time. If this were to change we'll be sure to update this FAQ.

Do I have to be on camera?

Yes.* In order for DDR to see your form, you will need to have your camera on. Please be sure that you're using a camera angle that shows your entire body.

*This does not apply to participants under the age of 18. 

Does this class count toward CECs?

Yes! This can count toward your CECs for TaijiFit Certification. Fundamentals classes are not certified with ACE.