
De-Bunking the 5 Biggest Myths About Flow
Flow is one of the most important - but most misunderstood - topics in life, standing at the intersection of psychology, Spirituality and mindfulness. For those engaged in Tai Chi, mindfulness...

Become a Tai Chi Instructor: A Beginner’s Guide
I’ve been doing Tai Chi for 40+ years, and one of the most common questions I get asked is, “How does one become a Tai Chi instructor?” Well here’s a little story about how I got started. When I was...

What is Tai Chi: Get the Unexpected Facts
If I had a nickel for everytime someone asked me “what is Tai Chi?”, I’d have a lot of nickels! When I tell people that I teach Taiji (that’s an alternate spelling, as is T’ai Chi, which is another...